2  Mapping gaze to areas of interest

At this point we have epoched our eyetracking data, resulting in the edat-epoched.rds file which looks like so:


edat <- read_rds("data-derived/edat-epoched.rds")

# A tibble: 941,815 × 5
   sub_id  t_id   f_c     x     y
    <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1      1     1   -90  1010   209
 2      1     1   -89  1010   214
 3      1     1   -88  1020   216
 4      1     1   -87  1014   217
 5      1     1   -86  1027   221
 6      1     1   -85  1027   220
 7      1     1   -84  1018   218
 8      1     1   -83  1019   216
 9      1     1   -82  1024   219
10      1     1   -81  1019   216
# … with 941,805 more rows

We know when people are looking relative to the disambiguation point for the trial (f_c), and we know where they are looking, because we have the (x, y) coordinates. But we yet don’t know which image they are looking at on each frame. So we have to map the two-dimensional gaze coordinates onto the coordinates of the images that was displayed on a given trial.

We know what pictures were shown on each trial from the data in the screens table (from data-raw/screens.csv).

screens <- read_csv("data-raw/screens.csv",
                    col_types = "iicc")

The table looks like so.

# A tibble: 1,024 × 4
    s_id   loc role     bitmap          
   <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>           
 1     1     3 critical bacon.bmp       
 2     1     4 existing EDsandcastle.bmp
 3     1     2 novel    ND_104.bmp      
 4     1     1 target   baker.bmp       
 5     2     3 critical penny.bmp       
 6     2     4 existing EDsandcastle.bmp
 7     2     2 novel    ND_104.bmp      
 8     2     1 target   baker.bmp       
 9     3     2 critical beetle.bmp      
10     3     4 existing EDcaptain.bmp   
# … with 1,014 more rows
variable type description
s_id int arbitrary value uniquely identifying each display screen
loc int arbitrary integer identifying each rectangle
role chr image’s role in the set (target, critical, existing novel)
bitmap chr name of bitmap file

The loc variable is a number that refers to the four quadrants of the screen where the images appeared. We can get the pixel coordinates representing the top left and bottom right corners of each rectangle from the locations table.

locations <- read_csv("data-raw/locations.csv",
                      col_types = "iiiii")
# A tibble: 4 × 5
    loc    x1    y1    x2    y2
  <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1     1     0     0   575   460
2     2   704     0  1279   460
3     3     0   564   575  1023
4     4   704   564  1279  1023
variable type description
loc int arbitrary integer identifying each rectangle
x1 int horizontal coordinate of top-left corner in pixels
y1 int vertical coordinate of top-left corner in pixels
x2 int horizontal coordinate of bottom-right corner in pixels
y2 int vertical coordinate of bottom-right corner in pixels

2.1 Image locations for each trial

2.1.1 Activity: Get coordinates

We want to combine the data from screens and locations with trial info to create the following table, which we will use later to figure out what image was being looked at (if any) on each frame of each trial. Save this information in a table named aoi (for Area Of Interest). You might need to reference Appendix A to see how to get sub_id and t_id into the table.

# A tibble: 22,576 × 8
   sub_id  t_id  s_id role        x1    y1    x2    y2
    <int> <int> <int> <chr>    <int> <int> <int> <int>
 1      1     1   183 critical   704   564  1279  1023
 2      1     1   183 existing     0   564   575  1023
 3      1     1   183 novel        0     0   575   460
 4      1     1   183 target     704     0  1279   460
 5      1     2   194 critical     0   564   575  1023
 6      1     2   194 existing   704     0  1279   460
 7      1     2   194 novel        0     0   575   460
 8      1     2   194 target     704   564  1279  1023
 9      1     3    33 critical   704     0  1279   460
10      1     3    33 existing     0   564   575  1023
# … with 22,566 more rows

We can get sub_id and t_id from trials. But to get there from screens, we need to get the item version (iv_id) from stimuli. We can connect screens to stimuli through the screen id (s_id).

trials <- read_csv("data-raw/trials.csv",
                   col_types = "iiiiii")

stimuli <- read_csv("data-raw/stimuli.csv",
                    col_types = "iiciccc")

aoi <- trials %>%
  select(sub_id, t_id, iv_id) %>%
  inner_join(stimuli, "iv_id") %>%
  inner_join(screens, "s_id") %>%
  inner_join(locations, "loc") %>%
  select(sub_id, t_id, s_id, role, x1, y1, x2, y2)

As a check, we should have four times the number of rows as trials (5644), because there should be four areas of interest for each trial. We can use stopifnot() to make our script terminate if this condition is not satisfied.

stopifnot( nrow(aoi) == 4 * nrow(trials) )

2.2 Identifying frames where the gaze cursor is within an AOI

What we need to do now is look at the (x, y) coordinates in edat and see if they fall within the bounding box for each image in the aoi table for the corresponding trial.

2.2.1 Activity: Create frames_in

There are different ways to accomplish this task, but an effective strategy is just to join the eyedata (edat) to the aoi table and retain any frames where the x coordinate of the eye gaze is within the x1 and x2 coordinates of the rectangle, and the y coordinate is within the y1 and y2 coordinates. Because our AOIs do not overlap, the gaze can only be within a single AOI at a time.

Name the resulting table frames_in.

Some code to get you started.

edat %>%
  inner_join(aoi, c("sub_id", "t_id")) # %>%
  ## filter(...) 
# A tibble: 759,311 × 4
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role  
    <int> <int> <int> <chr> 
 1      1     1   -90 target
 2      1     1   -89 target
 3      1     1   -88 target
 4      1     1   -87 target
 5      1     1   -86 target
 6      1     1   -85 target
 7      1     1   -84 target
 8      1     1   -83 target
 9      1     1   -82 target
10      1     1   -81 target
# … with 759,301 more rows
frames_in <- edat %>%
  inner_join(aoi, c("sub_id", "t_id")) %>%
  filter(x >= x1, x <= x2,
         y >= y1, y <= y2) %>%
  select(sub_id, t_id, f_c, role)

2.2.2 Activity: Create frames_out

Create a table frames_out containing only those frames from edat where the gaze fell outside of any of the four image regions, and label those with the role (blank). Use the anti_join() function from dplyr to do so.

The resulting table should have the format below.

# A tibble: 182,504 × 4
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role   
    <int> <int> <int> <chr>  
 1      1     1   -69 (blank)
 2      1     1   -68 (blank)
 3      1     1   -66 (blank)
 4      1     1   -49 (blank)
 5      1     1    -9 (blank)
 6      1     1    -8 (blank)
 7      1     1    -7 (blank)
 8      1     1    -6 (blank)
 9      1     1    -5 (blank)
10      1     1    -4 (blank)
# … with 182,494 more rows
table_x <- tibble(letter = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
                  number = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

# A tibble: 5 × 2
  letter number
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 A           1
2 B           2
3 C           3
4 D           4
5 E           5
table_y <- tibble(letter = c("C", "D", "E"),
                  number = c(3, 4, 99))

# A tibble: 3 × 2
  letter number
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 C           3
2 D           4
3 E          99
## which rows in table_x are not in table_y?
anti_join(table_x, table_y, c("letter", "number"))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  letter number
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 A           1
2 B           2
3 E           5
frames_out <- edat %>% 
  select(sub_id, t_id, f_c) %>%
  anti_join(frames_in, c("sub_id", "t_id", "f_c")) %>%
  mutate(role = "(blank)")

A good test to do at this point is to make sure that all 941,815 rows of edat have been assigned to either frames_in or frames_out.

stopifnot( nrow(edat) == (nrow(frames_in) + nrow(frames_out)) ) # TRUE

2.2.3 Activity: Combine into pog

Combine frames_in and frames_out into a single table by concatenating the rows. Sort the rows so by sub_id, t_id, and f_c, and convert role into type factor with levels in this order: target, critical, existing, novel, and (blank). The resulting table should be called pog and have the format below.

# A tibble: 941,815 × 4
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role  
    <int> <int> <int> <fct> 
 1      1     1   -90 target
 2      1     1   -89 target
 3      1     1   -88 target
 4      1     1   -87 target
 5      1     1   -86 target
 6      1     1   -85 target
 7      1     1   -84 target
 8      1     1   -83 target
 9      1     1   -82 target
10      1     1   -81 target
# … with 941,805 more rows

Use the bind_rows() function from {dplyr}.

We might want to check that role has been defined properly.

pog %>%
  pull(role) %>%
[1] "target"   "critical" "existing" "novel"    "(blank)" 

2.3 Dealing with trial dropouts

We want to be able to use the data in pog to calculate probabilities of gazing at regions over time. However, we are not ready to do this yet.

If we look at the first seven trials from subject 3, we can see that there is a problem, because the trials end at different times, due to variation in response time. If we plot the resulting data, we will have fewer and fewer data points as we progress through the trial.

A solution to this is to make each time series “cumulative to selection”, which means padding frames after the trial ends with artificial looks to the object that was selected. In other words, we pretend that the subject remained fixated on the selected object after clicking.

But before we do this, we should double check that trials also start at the same frame (-90). Once we pass this sanity check we can pad frames at the end.

start_frame <- edat %>% 
  group_by(sub_id, t_id) %>% 
  summarise(min_f_c = min(f_c), # get the minimum frame per trial
            .groups = "drop") %>%
  pull(min_f_c) %>%
  unique() # what are the unique values?

## if the value is the same for every trial, there should be
## just one element in this vector
stopifnot( length(start_frame) == 1L )

[1] -90

2.3.1 Activity: Selected object

Which object was selected on each trial? The trials table tells us which location was clicked (1, 2, 3, 4) but not which object. We need to figure out which object was clicked by retrieving that information from the screens table. The result should have the format below.

# A tibble: 5,644 × 3
   sub_id  t_id role  
    <int> <int> <chr> 
 1      1     1 target
 2      1     2 target
 3      1     3 target
 4      1     4 target
 5      1     6 target
 6      1     7 target
 7      1    11 target
 8      1    13 target
 9      1    14 target
10      1    16 target
# … with 5,634 more rows
## which object was selected on each trial?
selections <- trials %>%
  inner_join(stimuli, "iv_id") %>%
  inner_join(screens, c("s_id", "resploc" = "loc")) %>%
  select(sub_id, t_id, role)

Now that we know what object was selected, we want to pad trials up to the latest frame in the dataset, which we determined during epoching as frame 90 (that is, 1.5 seconds after the disambiguation point).

We will use the crossing() function (from {tidyr}) to create a table with all combinations of the rows from selections with frames f_c from 0 to 90. Then, in the next activity, we will use anti_join() to pull out the combinations that are missing from pog, and use them in padding.

all_frames <- crossing(selections, tibble(f_c = 0:90))

# A tibble: 513,604 × 4
   sub_id  t_id role     f_c
    <int> <int> <chr>  <int>
 1      1     1 target     0
 2      1     1 target     1
 3      1     1 target     2
 4      1     1 target     3
 5      1     1 target     4
 6      1     1 target     5
 7      1     1 target     6
 8      1     1 target     7
 9      1     1 target     8
10      1     1 target     9
# … with 513,594 more rows

2.3.2 Activity: Pad frames

Use anti_join() to find out which frames in all_frames are missing from pog. Concatenate these frames onto pog, storing the result in pog_cts. The resulting table should have a variable pad which is FALSE if the frame is an original one, and TRUE if it was added through the padding procedure. Sort the rows of pog_cts by sub_id, t_id, and f_c. The format is shown below.

# A tibble: 1,021,288 × 5
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role   pad  
    <int> <int> <int> <chr>  <lgl>
 1      1     1   -90 target FALSE
 2      1     1   -89 target FALSE
 3      1     1   -88 target FALSE
 4      1     1   -87 target FALSE
 5      1     1   -86 target FALSE
 6      1     1   -85 target FALSE
 7      1     1   -84 target FALSE
 8      1     1   -83 target FALSE
 9      1     1   -82 target FALSE
10      1     1   -81 target FALSE
# … with 1,021,278 more rows

One thing that may have happened in the process above is that role is no longer a factor. So let’s convert it back before we finish.

pog_cts2 <- pog_cts %>%
  mutate(role = fct_relevel(role, c("target", "critical",
                                    "existing", "novel", "(blank)")))

Now let’s double check that the padding worked by looking again at some trials from subject 3.

Looks good. Now let’s save all our hard work so that we can use pog_cts2 as a starting point for analysis.

saveRDS(pog_cts2, "data-derived/pog_cts.rds")