4  Polynomial regression

For more information about these approaches, see Barr (2008) and Mirman, Dixon, and Magnuson (2008). It is also possible to use Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs), which can more easily accommodate arbitrary wiggly patterns and asymptotes, but that is beyond the current scope of this textbook.


pog <- read_rds("data-derived/pog_cts.rds")
# A tibble: 1,021,288 × 5
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role   pad  
    <int> <int> <int> <fct>  <lgl>
 1      1     1   -90 target FALSE
 2      1     1   -89 target FALSE
 3      1     1   -88 target FALSE
 4      1     1   -87 target FALSE
 5      1     1   -86 target FALSE
 6      1     1   -85 target FALSE
 7      1     1   -84 target FALSE
 8      1     1   -83 target FALSE
 9      1     1   -82 target FALSE
10      1     1   -81 target FALSE
# … with 1,021,278 more rows

4.1 Binning data

We are going to follow the Mirman, Dixon, and Magnuson (2008) approach. What we want to do first is to model the shape of the curve for existing competitors and see if it differs across children and adults.

We will perform separate by-subject and by-item analysis. The reason why this is needed is that we have to first aggregate the data in order to deal with the frame-by-frame dependencies. A common approach is to aggregate frames into 50 ms bins (i.e. each having 3 frames).

The general formula for binning data is:

bin = floor( (frame + binsize/2) / binsize ) * binsize

To bin things up into bins of 3 frames each, it would be

bin = floor( (frame + 3/2) / 3) * 3

To get a sense for how this formula works, try it out in the console.

sample_frames <- -10:10

rbind(frame = sample_frames,
      bin = floor( (sample_frames + 3/2) / 3) * 3)
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13]
frame  -10   -9   -8   -7   -6   -5   -4   -3   -2    -1     0     1     2
bin     -9   -9   -9   -6   -6   -6   -3   -3   -3     0     0     0     3
      [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20] [,21]
frame     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
bin       3     3     6     6     6     9     9     9
Why add half a bin?

Shifting frames forward by half of the binsize gives us more accurate bin numbering. To see why, consider the unshifted version to our shifted version above.

## unshifted version
rbind(frame = sample_frames,
      bin = floor(sample_frames / 3) * 3)
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13]
frame  -10   -9   -8   -7   -6   -5   -4   -3   -2    -1     0     1     2
bin    -12   -9   -9   -9   -6   -6   -6   -3   -3    -3     0     0     0
      [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20] [,21]
frame     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
bin       3     3     3     6     6     6     9     9

Note that in the shifted version, the bin name corresponds to the median frame contained in the bin, whereas in the unshifted version, it corresponds to the first frame in the bin. For instance, bin 0, contains -1, 0, and 1 in the shifted version; in the unshifted version, it contains 0, 1, and 2.

4.1.1 Activity: Calculating bins

Following the above logic, add the variables bin and ms (time in milliseconds for the corresponding bin) to the pog table. Save the result as pog_calc.

# A tibble: 1,021,288 × 7
   sub_id  t_id   f_c role   pad     bin    ms
    <int> <int> <int> <fct>  <lgl> <int> <int>
 1      1     1   -90 target FALSE   -30  -500
 2      1     1   -89 target FALSE   -30  -500
 3      1     1   -88 target FALSE   -29  -483
 4      1     1   -87 target FALSE   -29  -483
 5      1     1   -86 target FALSE   -29  -483
 6      1     1   -85 target FALSE   -28  -466
 7      1     1   -84 target FALSE   -28  -466
 8      1     1   -83 target FALSE   -28  -466
 9      1     1   -82 target FALSE   -27  -450
10      1     1   -81 target FALSE   -27  -450
# … with 1,021,278 more rows
pog_calc <- pog %>%
  mutate(bin = floor((f_c + 3/2) / 3) %>% as.integer(),
         ms = as.integer(1000 * bin / 60))

4.1.2 Activity: Count frames in bins

For the analysis below, we’re going to focus on the existing competitors (ctype == "exist"). Link the pog_calc data to information about subjects and conditions (crit) to create the following table, where Y is the number of frames observed for the particular combination of sub_id, group, crit, ms, and role. Save the resulting table as pog_subj_y.

# A tibble: 50,630 × 6
   sub_id group crit          ms role         Y
    <int> <chr> <chr>      <int> <fct>    <int>
 1      1 adult competitor  -500 target       6
 2      1 adult competitor  -500 critical     4
 3      1 adult competitor  -500 existing     4
 4      1 adult competitor  -500 novel        6
 5      1 adult competitor  -500 (blank)      0
 6      1 adult competitor  -483 target       7
 7      1 adult competitor  -483 critical     5
 8      1 adult competitor  -483 existing     8
 9      1 adult competitor  -483 novel        8
10      1 adult competitor  -483 (blank)      2
# … with 50,620 more rows
subjects <- read_csv("data-raw/subjects.csv",
                     col_types = "ic")

trials <- read_csv("data-raw/trials.csv",
                   col_types = "iiiiii")

stimuli <- read_csv("data-raw/stimuli.csv",
                    col_types = "iiciccc")

pog_subj_y <- pog_calc %>%
  inner_join(subjects, "sub_id") %>%
  inner_join(trials, c("sub_id", "t_id")) %>%
  inner_join(stimuli, c("iv_id")) %>%
  filter(ctype == "exist") %>%
  count(sub_id, group, crit, ms, role,
        name = "Y", .drop = FALSE)

4.1.3 Activity: Compute probabilities

Now add in variables N, the total number of frames for a given combination of sub_id, group, crit, and ms, and p, which is the probability (Y / N). Save the result as pog_subj.

# A tibble: 50,630 × 8
   sub_id group crit          ms role         Y     N      p
    <int> <chr> <chr>      <int> <fct>    <int> <int>  <dbl>
 1      1 adult competitor  -500 target       6    20 0.3   
 2      1 adult competitor  -500 critical     4    20 0.2   
 3      1 adult competitor  -500 existing     4    20 0.2   
 4      1 adult competitor  -500 novel        6    20 0.3   
 5      1 adult competitor  -500 (blank)      0    20 0     
 6      1 adult competitor  -483 target       7    30 0.233 
 7      1 adult competitor  -483 critical     5    30 0.167 
 8      1 adult competitor  -483 existing     8    30 0.267 
 9      1 adult competitor  -483 novel        8    30 0.267 
10      1 adult competitor  -483 (blank)      2    30 0.0667
# … with 50,620 more rows

Recall what we did back in the plotting chapter, when creating probs_exist (a windowed mutate). You’ll need to do something like that again here.

pog_subj <- pog_subj_y %>%
  group_by(sub_id, group, crit, ms) %>%
  mutate(N = sum(Y),
         p = Y / N) %>%

4.2 Plot mean probabilities

4.2.1 Activity: Mean probabilities

Let’s now compute the mean probabilities for looks to the critical object across groups (adults, children) and condition (competitor, unrelated). First calculate the table pog_means below, then use it to create the graph below.

# A tibble: 244 × 4
   group crit          ms probability
   <chr> <chr>      <int>       <dbl>
 1 adult competitor  -500       0.137
 2 adult competitor  -483       0.140
 3 adult competitor  -466       0.131
 4 adult competitor  -450       0.129
 5 adult competitor  -433       0.135
 6 adult competitor  -416       0.137
 7 adult competitor  -400       0.135
 8 adult competitor  -383       0.138
 9 adult competitor  -366       0.137
10 adult competitor  -350       0.129
# … with 234 more rows

pog_means <- pog_subj %>%
  filter(role == "critical") %>%
  group_by(group, crit, ms) %>%
  summarize(probability = mean(p),
            .groups = "drop")
ggplot(pog_means, aes(ms, probability,
                      shape = crit, color = group)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .5) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-200, 500)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

4.3 Polynomial regression

Our task now is to fit the functions shown in the above figure using orthogonal polynomials. To avoid asymptotes, we will limit our analysis to 200 to 500 ms window, which is where the function seems to be changing.

The first thing we will do is prepare the data, adding in deviation-coded numerical predictors for group (G) and crit (C).

We will load in the R packages {lme4} for fitting linear mixed-effects models, and {polypoly} for working with orthogonal polynomials.

# if you don't have it, type
# install.packages("polypoly") # in the console

pog_prep <- pog_subj %>%
  filter(role == "critical", ms >= -200) %>%
  mutate(G = if_else(group == "child", 1/2, -1/2),
         C = if_else(crit == "competitor", 1/2, -1/2))

## check that we didn't make any errors
pog_prep %>%
  distinct(group, crit, G, C)
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  group crit           G     C
  <chr> <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 adult competitor  -0.5   0.5
2 adult unrelated   -0.5  -0.5
3 child competitor   0.5   0.5
4 child unrelated    0.5  -0.5
pog_3 <- pog_prep %>%
  poly_add_columns(ms, degree = 3) %>%
  select(sub_id, group, G, crit, C, ms, p, ms1, ms2, ms3)
mod_3 <- lmer(p ~ (ms1 + ms2 + ms3) * G * C +
                ((ms1 + ms2 + ms3) * C || sub_id), 
              data = pog_3)

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: p ~ (ms1 + ms2 + ms3) * G * C + ((1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms1 | sub_id) +  
    (0 + ms2 | sub_id) + (0 + ms3 | sub_id) + (0 + C | sub_id) +  
    (0 + ms1:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms2:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms3:C |      sub_id))
   Data: pog_3

REML criterion at convergence: -14758.4

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.2565 -0.5914 -0.0358  0.5113  5.4038 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 sub_id   (Intercept) 0.001249 0.03534 
 sub_id.1 ms1         0.054835 0.23417 
 sub_id.2 ms2         0.027294 0.16521 
 sub_id.3 ms3         0.026226 0.16194 
 sub_id.4 C           0.003698 0.06081 
 sub_id.5 ms1:C       0.128879 0.35900 
 sub_id.6 ms2:C       0.106783 0.32678 
 sub_id.7 ms3:C       0.061623 0.24824 
 Residual             0.005815 0.07625 
Number of obs: 7138, groups:  sub_id, 83

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  0.133722   0.003983  33.569
ms1         -0.360730   0.026378 -13.676
ms2         -0.188137   0.019077  -9.862
ms3          0.134597   0.018736   7.184
G            0.027162   0.007967   3.409
C            0.030741   0.006915   4.445
ms1:G        0.108453   0.052756   2.056
ms2:G       -0.035381   0.038154  -0.927
ms3:G       -0.088315   0.037473  -2.357
ms1:C        0.058203   0.041147   1.414
ms2:C       -0.193833   0.037774  -5.131
ms3:C        0.045101   0.029710   1.518
G:C          0.001996   0.013831   0.144
ms1:G:C      0.068046   0.082295   0.827
ms2:G:C      0.082218   0.075548   1.088
ms3:G:C     -0.127579   0.059420  -2.147

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 16 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it

It converged! Before we get too excited, plot the model fitted values against the observed values to assess the quality of the fit.

We need data to feed in to the predict() function in order to generate our fitted values. We’ll use pog_means for this purpose, adding in all of the predictors we need for the model, and restricting the range.

pog_new <- pog_means %>%
  filter(ms >= -200) %>%
  mutate(G = if_else(group == "child", 1/2, -1/2),
         C = if_else(crit == "competitor", 1/2, -1/2)) 

Now we are ready to feed it into predict() to generate fitted values. Note that we want to make predictions for the “typical” subject with random effects of zero, which requires setting re.form = NA for the predict() function. See ?predict.merMod for details. We use newdata = . to send the current data from our pipeline as the argument for newdata.

fits_3 <- pog_new %>%
  poly_add_columns(ms, degree = 3) %>%
  mutate(fitted = predict(mod_3, newdata = .,
                          re.form = NA))

Now we plot the fitted values (lines) against observed (points).

       aes(ms, probability,
           shape = crit, color = group)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(y = fitted, linetype = crit)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Not good. We might want to try a higher order model. Alternatively, we can restrict the range further to get rid of asymptotic elements in the later part of the window. Let’s try the latter first because that’s fairly easy.

pog_3b <- pog_3 %>%
  filter(between(ms, -50L, 300L))

## refit with a different dataset
mod_3b <- update(mod_3, data = pog_3b)

Generate fitted values from the new model and plot.

fits_3b <- pog_new %>%
  filter(between(ms, -50L, 300L)) %>%
  poly_add_columns(ms, degree = 3) %>%
  mutate(fitted = predict(mod_3b, newdata = .,
                          re.form = NA))

       aes(ms, probability,
           shape = crit, color = group)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(y = fitted, linetype = crit)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Well, that is even worse.

4.3.1 Activity: Quintic model

A cubic is really not enough. Try to fit a quintic (5th order) function on the reduced data range (-50 ms to 300 ms). Use the bobyqa optimizer to get lmer() to converge (control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")), and fit it with REML=FALSE.

Then, follow the example above to assess the quality of fit using a plot.

pog_5 <- pog_prep %>%
  filter(between(ms, -50L, 300L)) %>%
  poly_add_columns(ms, degree = 5)

mod_5 <- lmer(p ~ (ms1 + ms2 + ms3 + ms4 + ms5) * G * C +
                ((ms1 + ms2 + ms3 + ms4 + ms5) * C || sub_id), 
              data = pog_5, REML=FALSE,
              control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

Now evaluate the fit.

fits_5 <- pog_new %>%
  filter(between(ms, -50L, 300L)) %>%
  poly_add_columns(ms, degree = 5) %>%
  mutate(fitted = predict(mod_5, newdata = .,
                          re.form = NA))

       aes(ms, probability,
           shape = crit, color = group)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(y = fitted, linetype = crit)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

OK, that’s a fit that we can be happy with.

Let’s have a look at the model output.

Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: p ~ (ms1 + ms2 + ms3 + ms4 + ms5) * G * C + ((1 | sub_id) + (0 +  
    ms1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms2 | sub_id) + (0 + ms3 | sub_id) +  
    (0 + ms4 | sub_id) + (0 + ms5 | sub_id) + (0 + C | sub_id) +  
    (0 + ms1:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms2:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms3:C |  
    sub_id) + (0 + ms4:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms5:C | sub_id))
   Data: pog_5
Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
 -9233.6  -9004.1   4653.8  -9307.6     3615 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.2631 -0.4883 -0.0013  0.4694  4.4521 

Random effects:
 Groups    Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 sub_id    (Intercept) 0.002499 0.04999 
 sub_id.1  ms1         0.046758 0.21624 
 sub_id.2  ms2         0.017703 0.13305 
 sub_id.3  ms3         0.014331 0.11971 
 sub_id.4  ms4         0.005942 0.07709 
 sub_id.5  ms5         0.006101 0.07811 
 sub_id.6  C           0.007937 0.08909 
 sub_id.7  ms1:C       0.113327 0.33664 
 sub_id.8  ms2:C       0.075215 0.27425 
 sub_id.9  ms3:C       0.061012 0.24701 
 sub_id.10 ms4:C       0.020677 0.14380 
 sub_id.11 ms5:C       0.021688 0.14727 
 Residual              0.002148 0.04635 
Number of obs: 3652, groups:  sub_id, 83

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  0.167871   0.005541  30.295
ms1         -0.209290   0.024008  -8.718
ms2         -0.121173   0.015042  -8.056
ms3          0.006115   0.013625   0.449
ms4          0.046584   0.009195   5.066
ms5          0.003498   0.009299   0.376
G            0.026723   0.011082   2.411
C            0.054710   0.009899   5.527
ms1:G        0.148235   0.048016   3.087
ms2:G        0.006309   0.030084   0.210
ms3:G       -0.070349   0.027249  -2.582
ms4:G        0.018576   0.018390   1.010
ms5:G        0.006853   0.018597   0.368
ms1:C        0.010683   0.037648   0.284
ms2:C       -0.191025   0.030953  -6.171
ms3:C        0.006511   0.028053   0.232
ms4:C        0.099358   0.017347   5.728
ms5:C       -0.003818   0.017695  -0.216
G:C         -0.009915   0.019798  -0.501
ms1:G:C      0.144761   0.075295   1.923
ms2:G:C      0.046990   0.061907   0.759
ms3:G:C     -0.156586   0.056106  -2.791
ms4:G:C      0.009317   0.034695   0.269
ms5:G:C      0.061278   0.035390   1.732

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 24 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it

Now let’s use model comparison to answer our question: do the time-varying components for lexical competition vary across children and adults?

mod_5_drop <- 
         . ~ . -ms1:G:C -ms2:G:C -ms3:G:C -ms4:G:C -ms5:G:C)

anova(mod_5, mod_5_drop)
Data: pog_5
mod_5_drop: p ~ ms1 + ms2 + ms3 + ms4 + ms5 + G + C + (1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms2 | sub_id) + (0 + ms3 | sub_id) + (0 + ms4 | sub_id) + (0 + ms5 | sub_id) + (0 + C | sub_id) + (0 + ms1:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms2:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms3:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms4:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms5:C | sub_id) + ms1:G + ms2:G + ms3:G + ms4:G + ms5:G + ms1:C + ms2:C + ms3:C + ms4:C + ms5:C + G:C
mod_5: p ~ (ms1 + ms2 + ms3 + ms4 + ms5) * G * C + ((1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms1 | sub_id) + (0 + ms2 | sub_id) + (0 + ms3 | sub_id) + (0 + ms4 | sub_id) + (0 + ms5 | sub_id) + (0 + C | sub_id) + (0 + ms1:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms2:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms3:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms4:C | sub_id) + (0 + ms5:C | sub_id))
           npar     AIC     BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
mod_5_drop   32 -9229.0 -9030.5 4646.5  -9293.0                       
mod_5        37 -9233.6 -9004.1 4653.8  -9307.6 14.653  5    0.01195 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

There are further things we could potentially do with this model, including performing model comparison on the time-varying components. One thing we probably should do would be to repeat all the above steps, but treating items as a random factor instead of subjects.

One issue with polynomial regression is that the complexity of the model is likely to give rise to convergence problems. One strategy is to estimate the parameters using re-sampling techniques, which we’ll learn about in the next chapter.

Before we do that, let’s save pog_subj, because we’ll need it for the next set of activities.

pog_subj %>%
  saveRDS(file = "data-derived/pog_subj.rds")