2 Linear mixed-effects modeling

For this first section, we will learn to simulate data corresponding to an experiment with a single, two-level factor (independent variable) that is within-subjects and between-items. Let's imagine that the experiment involves lexical decisions to a set of words (e.g., is "PINT" a word or nonword?), and the dependent variable is response time (in milliseconds), and the independent variable is word type (noun vs verb). We want to treat both subjects and words as random factors (so that we can generalize to the population of events where subjects encounter words).

The general linear model for our study is:

\[Y_{si} = \beta_0 + S_{0s} + I_{0i} + (\beta_1 + S_{1s})X_{i} + e_{si}\]


\(Y_{si}\) Y RT for subject \(s\) responding to item \(i\);
\(\beta_0\) mu grand mean;
\(S_{0s}\) sri random intercept for subject \(s\);
\(I_{0i}\) iri random intercept for item \(i\);
\(\beta_1\) eff fixed effect of word type (slope);
\(S_{1s}\) srs by-subject random slope;
\(X_{i}\) x deviation-coded predictor variable for word type;
\(e_{si}\) err residual error.


\[\left<S_{0i},S_{1i}\right> \sim N(\left<0,0\right>, \Sigma)\]


\[\Sigma = \left(\begin{array}{cc}{\tau_{00}}^2 & \rho\tau_{00}\tau_{11} \\ \rho\tau_{00}\tau_{11} & {\tau_{11}}^2 \\ \end{array}\right) \]


\[I_{0i} \sim N(0, \omega_{00}^2)\]

2.1 Generate data

2.1.1 Set up the environment

If you want to get the same results as everyone else for this exercise, then we all should seed the random number generator with the same value. While we're at it, let's load in the packages we need.

requireNamespace("MASS") ## make sure it's there but don't load it


2.1.2 Define the parameters for the DGP

Now let's define the parameters for the DGP (data generating process).

nsubj <- 100 # number of subjects
nitem <- 50  # must be an even number

mu <- 800 # grand mean
eff <- 80 # 80 ms difference

iri_sd <- 80 # by-item random intercept sd (omega_00)

## for the by-subjects variance-covariance matrix
sri_sd <- 100 # by-subject random intercept sd
srs_sd <- 40 # by-subject random slope sd
rcor <- .2 # correlation between intercept and slope

err_sd <- 200 # residual (standard deviation)

You'll create three tables:

subjects table of subject data including subj_id and subject random effects
items table of stimulus data including item_id and item random effect
trials table of trials enumerating encounters between subjects/stimuli

Then you will merge together the information in the three tables, and calculate the response variable according to the model formula above.

2.1.3 Generate a sample of stimuli

Let's randomly generate our 50 items. Create a tibble called item like the one below, where iri are the by-item random intercepts (drawn from a normal distribution with variance \(\omega_{00}^2\) = iri_sd^2). Half of the words are of type NOUN (cond = -.5) and half of type VERB (cond = .5).

## # A tibble: 50 × 3
##    item_id  cond     iri
##      <int> <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1       1  -0.5 -217.  
##  2       2   0.5  -77.9 
##  3       3  -0.5  -96.9 
##  4       4   0.5   40.4 
##  5       5  -0.5   28.0 
##  6       6   0.5  160.  
##  7       7  -0.5   -4.45
##  8       8   0.5  -83.9 
##  9       9  -0.5 -121.  
## 10      10   0.5  -12.1 
## # ℹ 40 more rows


rnorm(nitem, ???, ????...)

items <- tibble(item_id = 1:nitem,
                cond = rep(c(-.5, .5), times = nitem / 2),
                iri = rnorm(nitem, 0, sd = iri_sd))

2.1.4 Generate a sample of subjects

To generate the by-subject random effects, you will need to generate data from a bivariate normal distribution. To do this, we will use the function MASS::mvrnorm().

Do not run library("MASS") just to get this one function, because MASS has a function select() that will overwrite the tidyverse version. Since all we want from MASS is the mvrnorm() function, we can just access it directly by the pkgname::function syntax, i.e., MASS::mvrnorm().

Here is an example of how to use MASS::mvrnorm() to randomly generate correlated data (with \(r = -.6\)) for a simple bivariate case. In this example, the variances of each of the two variables is defined as 1, such that the covariance becomes equal to the correlation between the variables.

## mx is the variance-covariance matrix
mx <- rbind(c(1, -.6),
            c(-.6, 1))

biv_data <- MASS::mvrnorm(1000,
                          mu = c(V1 = 0, V2 = 0),
                          Sigma = mx)

## look at biv_data
ggplot(as_tibble(biv_data), aes(V1, V2)) +

Your subjects table should look like this:

## # A tibble: 100 × 3
##     subj_id      sri      srs
##       <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##   1       1   42.9    25.7   
##   2       2  -15.3   -28.2   
##   3       3  -41.4   -30.3   
##   4       4  -77.1     3.64  
##   5       5  182.      2.48  
##   6       6   24.6   -13.3   
##   7       7    8.92   42.8   
##   8       8 -101.    -37.2   
##   9       9  -96.8   -32.7   
##  10      10  -27.4   -52.6   
##  11      11  -80.8    -9.06  
##  12      12   83.8   -40.3   
##  13      13  134.    -18.9   
##  14      14 -130.    132.    
##  15      15  -59.2    -8.42  
##  16      16 -127.     12.5   
##  17      17    8.91  -15.3   
##  18      18  -26.8   -19.0   
##  19      19   48.0    39.5   
##  20      20   35.6    28.5   
##  21      21 -199.    -32.9   
##  22      22  -41.1    -9.77  
##  23      23  -29.9     1.02  
##  24      24   12.0   -24.0   
##  25      25   20.5     0.0251
##  26      26   -0.207  47.9   
##  27      27  -13.7   -77.8   
##  28      28 -154.     31.5   
##  29      29  -59.6    67.7   
##  30      30  -50.6   -27.6   
##  31      31  125.      9.51  
##  32      32  111.     13.4   
##  33      33  -27.0    71.7   
##  34      34 -140.     -7.69  
##  35      35  -31.0    18.4   
##  36      36 -185.     31.4   
##  37      37   12.8   -65.8   
##  38      38  -39.7   -51.6   
##  39      39  -93.9    76.3   
##  40      40  -63.9   -12.5   
##  41      41   68.6    -3.47  
##  42      42  -91.9   -31.8   
##  43      43 -143.     53.9   
##  44      44   44.6    48.0   
##  45      45    5.72   24.2   
##  46      46   51.3   101.    
##  47      47 -176.    -47.8   
##  48      48  -54.0   -23.8   
##  49      49   26.8    32.3   
##  50      50   20.4    -9.41  
##  51      51  122.     -2.03  
##  52      52 -111.    -16.1   
##  53      53  266.     16.4   
##  54      54  -42.1    -6.37  
##  55      55   -3.47  -30.1   
##  56      56   94.9    18.0   
##  57      57  -26.9   -19.9   
##  58      58  154.     43.0   
##  59      59  110.    -18.9   
##  60      60 -167.    -14.9   
##  61      61 -255.     -1.70  
##  62      62   95.9   -28.8   
##  63      63  211.    -78.7   
##  64      64  -40.7   102.    
##  65      65 -174.     -1.30  
##  66      66   42.3    11.0   
##  67      67 -120.    -94.1   
##  68      68 -173.     10.0   
##  69      69 -239.     -7.33  
##  70      70   28.8   -29.9   
##  71      71  107.     13.1   
##  72      72 -114.     -3.12  
##  73      73 -114.     20.7   
##  74      74  -23.5   -29.4   
##  75      75  -77.5    23.9   
##  76      76  160.     78.6   
##  77      77 -139.     40.6   
##  78      78   88.2    31.3   
##  79      79   -2.36  -24.1   
##  80      80    6.12    6.91  
##  81      81  -10.8   -47.2   
##  82      82   97.5    48.6   
##  83      83   38.4     5.61  
##  84      84    7.07  -42.2   
##  85      85   81.2    17.9   
##  86      86   52.8    80.4   
##  87      87  -78.4    16.8   
##  88      88 -116.     36.9   
##  89      89  -88.6    18.4   
##  90      90  -36.9   -12.9   
##  91      91 -100.    -21.8   
##  92      92 -114.    -18.9   
##  93      93   25.9   -45.2   
##  94      94  173.     52.7   
##  95      95   18.0   -68.1   
##  96      96 -112.     43.9   
##  97      97   20.9    -2.86  
##  98      98  169.     -2.79  
##  99      99 -101.     -3.88  
## 100     100  106.    -27.6

recall that:

sri_sd by-subject random intercept standard deviation
srs_sd by-subject random slope standard deviation
r correlation between intercept and slope
covariance = r * sri_sd * srs_sd
## bind together rows
  c(sri_sd^2,            r * sri_sd * srs_sd),
  c(r * sri_sd * srs_sd,            srs_sd^2)  )

## see also `matrix()`


mx <- rbind(c(sri_sd^2,               rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd),
            c(rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd, srs_sd^2)) # look at it

by_subj_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(nsubj,
                             mu = c(sri = 0, srs = 0),
                             Sigma = mx)

subjects <- as_tibble(by_subj_rfx) |>
  mutate(subj_id = row_number()) |>
  select(subj_id, everything())

2.1.5 Generate a sample of encounters (trials)

Each trial is an encounter between a particular subject and stimulus. In this experiment, each subject will see each stimulus. Generate a table trials that lists the encounters in the experiments. Note: each participant encounters each stimulus item once. Use the cross_join() function to create all possible encounters.

Now apply this example to generate the table below, where err is the residual term, drawn from \(N \sim \left(0, \sigma^2\right)\), where \(\sigma\) is err_sd.

## # A tibble: 5,000 × 3
##    subj_id item_id    err
##      <int>   <int>  <dbl>
##  1       1       1  -64.3
##  2       1       2  585. 
##  3       1       3  127. 
##  4       1       4  182. 
##  5       1       5  -47.6
##  6       1       6   22.0
##  7       1       7 -265. 
##  8       1       8  604. 
##  9       1       9  249. 
## 10       1      10 -147. 
## # ℹ 4,990 more rows
trials <- cross_join(subjects |> select(subj_id),
                     items |> select(item_id)) |>
  mutate(err = rnorm(n = nsubj * nitem,
                     mean = 0, sd = err_sd))  

2.1.6 Join subjects, items, and trials

Merge the information in subjects, items, and trials to create the full dataset dat, which looks like this:

## # A tibble: 5,000 × 7
##    subj_id item_id   sri     iri   srs  cond    err
##      <int>   <int> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1       1       1  42.9 -217.    25.7  -0.5  -64.3
##  2       1       2  42.9  -77.9   25.7   0.5  585. 
##  3       1       3  42.9  -96.9   25.7  -0.5  127. 
##  4       1       4  42.9   40.4   25.7   0.5  182. 
##  5       1       5  42.9   28.0   25.7  -0.5  -47.6
##  6       1       6  42.9  160.    25.7   0.5   22.0
##  7       1       7  42.9   -4.45  25.7  -0.5 -265. 
##  8       1       8  42.9  -83.9   25.7   0.5  604. 
##  9       1       9  42.9 -121.    25.7  -0.5  249. 
## 10       1      10  42.9  -12.1   25.7   0.5 -147. 
## # ℹ 4,990 more rows

Note: this is the full decomposition table for this model.

dat_sim <- subjects |>
  inner_join(trials, "subj_id") |>
  inner_join(items, "item_id") |>
  arrange(subj_id, item_id) |>
  select(subj_id, item_id, sri, iri, srs, cond, err)

2.1.7 Create the response variable

Add the response variable Y to dat according to the model formula:

\[Y_{si} = \beta_0 + S_{0s} + I_{0i} + (\beta_1 + S_{1s})X_{i} + e_{si}\]

so that the resulting table (dat2) looks like this:

## # A tibble: 5,000 × 8
##    subj_id item_id     Y   sri     iri   srs  cond    err
##      <int>   <int> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1       1       1  509.  42.9 -217.    25.7  -0.5  -64.3
##  2       1       2 1403.  42.9  -77.9   25.7   0.5  585. 
##  3       1       3  820.  42.9  -96.9   25.7  -0.5  127. 
##  4       1       4 1118.  42.9   40.4   25.7   0.5  182. 
##  5       1       5  770.  42.9   28.0   25.7  -0.5  -47.6
##  6       1       6 1077.  42.9  160.    25.7   0.5   22.0
##  7       1       7  520.  42.9   -4.45  25.7  -0.5 -265. 
##  8       1       8 1416.  42.9  -83.9   25.7   0.5  604. 
##  9       1       9  918.  42.9 -121.    25.7  -0.5  249. 
## 10       1      10  737.  42.9  -12.1   25.7   0.5 -147. 
## # ℹ 4,990 more rows
dat_sim2 <- dat_sim |>
  mutate(Y = mu + sri + iri + (eff + srs) * cond + err) |>
  select(subj_id, item_id, Y, everything())

2.1.8 Fitting the model

Now that you have created simulated data, estimate the model using lme4::lmer(), and run summary().

mod_sim <- lmer(Y ~ cond + (1 + cond | subj_id) + (1 | item_id),

summary(mod_sim, corr = FALSE)
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: Y ~ cond + (1 + cond | subj_id) + (1 | item_id)
##    Data: dat_sim2
## REML criterion at convergence: 67628.2
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.7640 -0.6570 -0.0054  0.6561  3.2214 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
##  subj_id  (Intercept) 10331.8  101.65       
##           cond          996.5   31.57   0.13
##  item_id  (Intercept)  7655.8   87.50       
##  Residual             40295.6  200.74       
## Number of obs: 5000, groups:  subj_id, 100; item_id, 50
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)   784.73      16.26  48.252
## cond           76.01      25.59   2.971

Now see if you can identify the data generating parameters in the output of summary().

First, try to find \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\).

parameter variable input estimate
\(\hat{\beta}_0\) mu 800 784.729
\(\hat{\beta}_1\) eff 80 76.005

Now try to find estimates of random effects parameters \(\tau_{00}\), \(\tau_{11}\), \(\rho\), \(\omega_{00}\), and \(\sigma\).

parameter variable input estimate
\(\hat{\tau}_{00}\) sri_sd 100.0 101.646
\(\hat{\tau}_{11}\) srs_sd 40.0 31.567
\(\hat{\rho}\) rcor 0.2 0.130
\(\hat{\omega}_{00}\) iri_sd 80.0 87.498
\(\hat{\sigma}\) err_sd 200.0 200.738

2.2 Building the simulation script

Now that we've learned to simulated data with crossed random factors of subjects and stimuli, let's build a script to run the simulation. You might want to start a fresh R script for this (and load in tidyverse + lme4 at the top).

2.2.1 Wrapping the code into generate_data()

Now wrap the code you created from section 2.1.2 to 2.1.7 into a single function generate_data() that takes the arguments: eff (effect size), nsubj (number of subjects), nitem (number of items), and then all the remaining DGP paramemters in this order: mu, iri_sd, sri_sd, srs_sd, rcor, and err_sd.

The code should return a table with columns subj_id, item_id, cond, and Y.

Here is 'starter' code that does nothing.

generate_data <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                          mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                          srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {

  ## 1. TODO generate sample of stimuli
  ## 2. TODO generate sample of subjects
  ## 3. TODO generate trials, adding in error
  ## 4. TODO join the three tables together
  ## 5. TODO create the response variable

  ## TODO replace this placeholder table with your result
  tibble(subj_id = integer(0),
         item_id = integer(0),
         cond = double(0),
         Y = double(0))

## test it out
generate_data(0, 50, 10,
              mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
              srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200)
generate_data <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                          mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                          srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {

  ## 1. generate sample of stimuli
  items <- tibble(item_id = 1:nitem,
                  cond = rep(c(-.5, .5), times = nitem / 2),
                  iri = rnorm(nitem, 0, sd = iri_sd))
  ## 2. generate sample of subjects
  mx <- rbind(c(sri_sd^2,               rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd),
              c(rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd, srs_sd^2)) # look at it

  by_subj_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(nsubj,
                               mu = c(sri = 0, srs = 0),
                               Sigma = mx)

  subjects <- as_tibble(by_subj_rfx) |>
    mutate(subj_id = row_number()) |>
    select(subj_id, everything())
  ## 3. generate trials, adding in error
  trials <- cross_join(subjects |> select(subj_id),
                       items |> select(item_id)) |>
    mutate(err = rnorm(n = nsubj * nitem,
                       mean = 0, sd = err_sd))
  ## 4. join the three tables together, AND
  ## 5. create the response variable
  subjects |>
    inner_join(trials, "subj_id") |>
    inner_join(items, "item_id") |>
    mutate(Y = mu + sri + iri + (eff + srs) * cond + err) |>
    select(subj_id, item_id, cond, Y)

2.2.2 Re-write analyze_data()

Now let's re-write our analyze_data() function for this design.

analyze_data <- function(dat) {
  suppressWarnings( # ignore non-convergence
    suppressMessages({ # ignore 'singular fit'
      ## TODO: something with lmer()
analyze_data <- function(dat) {
  suppressWarnings( # ignore non-convergence
    suppressMessages({ # ignore 'singular fit'
      lmer(Y ~ cond + (cond | subj_id) +
             (1 | item_id), data = dat)

2.2.3 Re-write extract_stats()

In the last section, we wrote the function extract_stats() to pull out statistics from a t-test object.

Let's change it so it gets information about the regression coefficient (fixed effect) for cond. Unfortunately we can't use broom::tidy() here.

Recall that we have suppressed any messages about singularity or nonconvergence. We want to track this information, so we'll get it from the fitted model object.

To find out whether a fit is singular, we can use the function isSingular(). Figuring out whether a model has converged is more complicate. Use the helper function check_converged() below. This takes a fitted model object as input and returns TRUE if the model converged, FALSE otherwise.

check_converged <- function(mobj) {
  ## warning: this is kind of a hack!
  ## see also performance::check_convergence()
  sm <- summary(mobj)

Use fixef() to get the fixed effects estimates from the model.

You'll also want to get the standard error for the fixed effects. You can do so using the code


where mobj is the name of the fitted model object. We'll then calculate a \(p\) value based on Wald \(z\), which is just the estimate divided by its standard error, and then treated as a \(z\) statistic (from the standard normal distribution). If we call that statistic tval, you can get the \(p\) value using 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(tval))).

TASK: Write a new version of extract_stats() that takes mobj, a fitted model object as input, and returns a tibble with columns sing (TRUE for singular fit, FALSE otherwise), conv (TRUE for converged, FALSE otherwise), estimate with the fixed effect estimate for the effect of cond, stderr for the standard error, tval for the \(t\)-value, and pval for the \(p\)-value.

Test it by running it out on mod_sim which you estimated above. You should get the results like the following.

## # A tibble: 1 × 6
##   sing  conv  estimate stderr  tval    pval
##   <lgl> <lgl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 FALSE TRUE      76.0   25.6  2.97 0.00297
extract_stats <- function(mobj) {
  tibble(sing = isSingular(mobj),
         conv = check_converged(mobj),
         estimate = fixef(mobj)["cond"],
         stderr = sqrt(diag(vcov(mobj)))["cond"],
         tval = estimate / stderr,
         pval = 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(tval))))

Now we have completed the three main functions for a single run as shown in 1.1. We can try them out like this:

generate_data(eff = 0, nsubj = 20, nitem = 10,
              mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
              srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200) |>
  analyze_data() |>
## # A tibble: 1 × 6
##   sing  conv  estimate stderr   tval  pval
##   <lgl> <lgl>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 FALSE TRUE     -55.9   63.0 -0.888 0.375

The next step will be to wrap this in a function.

2.2.4 Re-write do_once()

The function do_once() performs all three functions (generates the data, analyzes it, and subtracts the results). It needs some minor changes to work with the parameters of the new DGP.

Now let's re-write do_once(). Here's starter code from the function we created for the one-sample t-test context. You'll need to change its arguments to match generate_data() as well as the arguments passed to generate_data() via map(). It's also a good idea to update the message() it prints for the user.

do_once <- function(nmc, eff, nsubj, sd, alpha = .05) {

  message("computing power over ", nmc, " runs with eff=",
          eff, "; nsubj=", nsubj, "; sd = ", sd, "; alpha = ", alpha)
  tibble(run_id = seq_len(nmc),
         dat = map(run_id, \(.x) generate_data(eff, nsubj, sd)),
         mobj = map(dat, \(.x) analyze_data(.x)),
         stats = map(mobj, \(.x) extract_stats(.x)))

It doesn't do everything we need (yet) because in the end we'll want to compute_power() and return that instead. But we'll save that for later.

Try it out with the code below. Results should look as follows.


do_test <- do_once(eff = 0, nsubj = 20, nitem = 10, nmc = 20,
                   mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
                   srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200)
## computing stats over 20 runs for nsubj=20; nitem=10; eff=0
## # A tibble: 20 × 4
##    run_id dat                mobj      stats           
##     <int> <list>             <list>    <list>          
##  1      1 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  2      2 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  3      3 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  4      4 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  5      5 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  6      6 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  7      7 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  8      8 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
##  9      9 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 10     10 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 11     11 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 12     12 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 13     13 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 14     14 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 15     15 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 16     16 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 17     17 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 18     18 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 19     19 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
## 20     20 <tibble [200 × 4]> <lmerMod> <tibble [1 × 6]>
do_once <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem, nmc,
                   mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                   srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {
  ## generate, analyze, and extract for a single parameter setting
  message("computing stats over ", nmc,
          " runs for nsubj=", nsubj, "; ",
          "nitem=", nitem, "; ",
          "eff=", eff)
  tibble(run_id = seq_len(nmc)) |>
    mutate(dat = map(run_id, \(.x) generate_data(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                                                 mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                                                 srs_sd, rcor, err_sd)),
           mobj = map(dat, \(.x) analyze_data(.x)),
           stats = map(mobj, \(.x) extract_stats(.x)))

2.2.5 Update do_once() to return statistics

We're nearly there. Our do_once() function returns the raw data from the run, but what we'd really like instead are the power statistics. So we'll need to re-write compute_power() and then include that in do_once(). We stored the results of the (old) do_once() in do_test, which is useful for testing it out.

Recall that we can get all the stats into a single table like so.

do_test |>
  select(run_id, stats) |>
## # A tibble: 20 × 7
##    run_id sing  conv  estimate stderr    tval   pval
##     <int> <lgl> <lgl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1      1 TRUE  FALSE    74.7    72.0  1.04   0.300 
##  2      2 TRUE  FALSE    91.5    61.6  1.49   0.137 
##  3      3 TRUE  FALSE    68.6    29.6  2.32   0.0205
##  4      4 FALSE TRUE     -9.17   42.0 -0.218  0.827 
##  5      5 TRUE  FALSE   -36.0    79.1 -0.455  0.649 
##  6      6 TRUE  FALSE   -86.2    37.0 -2.33   0.0199
##  7      7 TRUE  FALSE    -3.02   56.5 -0.0534 0.957 
##  8      8 TRUE  FALSE   -68.8    69.1 -0.995  0.320 
##  9      9 TRUE  FALSE   -11.6    91.9 -0.126  0.900 
## 10     10 FALSE TRUE    128.     77.3  1.66   0.0979
## 11     11 TRUE  FALSE   -12.1    57.5 -0.211  0.833 
## 12     12 FALSE TRUE     33.5    59.5  0.562  0.574 
## 13     13 TRUE  FALSE    58.9    62.4  0.944  0.345 
## 14     14 FALSE TRUE      9.97   66.3  0.150  0.880 
## 15     15 TRUE  FALSE  -127.     51.1 -2.49   0.0128
## 16     16 FALSE TRUE      2.55   66.0  0.0386 0.969 
## 17     17 TRUE  FALSE   115.     60.0  1.91   0.0557
## 18     18 TRUE  FALSE   -28.0    58.5 -0.478  0.633 
## 19     19 TRUE  FALSE    64.5    53.8  1.20   0.231 
## 20     20 TRUE  FALSE   -55.5    63.7 -0.872  0.383

TASK: Write compute_power() to provide not only power information, but also reports the proportion of runs that had a 'singularity' message (n_sing) or that did not converge (n_nonconv).

Results should look like so.

compute_power <- function(x, alpha = .05) {
  ## after completing all the Monte Carlo runs for a set,
  ## calculate statistics
  x |>
    select(run_id, stats) |>
    unnest(stats) |>
    summarize(n_sing = sum(sing),
              n_nonconv = sum(!conv), 
              n_sig = sum(pval < alpha),
              N = n(),
              power = n_sig / N)
do_test |>
## # A tibble: 1 × 5
##   n_sing n_nonconv n_sig     N power
##    <int>     <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     15        15     3    20  0.15
compute_power <- function(x, alpha = .05) {
  ## after completing all the Monte Carlo runs for a set,
  ## calculate statistics
  x |>
    select(run_id, stats) |>
    unnest(stats) |>
    summarize(n_sing = sum(sing),
              n_nonconv = sum(!conv), 
              n_sig = sum(pval < alpha),
              N = n(),
              power = n_sig / N)

TASK: update do_once() so that it ends with compute_power().

do_once <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem, nmc,
                   mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                   srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {
  ## generate, analyze, and extract for a single parameter setting
  message("computing stats over ", nmc,
          " runs for nsubj=", nsubj, "; ",
          "nitem=", nitem, "; ",
          "eff=", eff)
  tibble(run_id = seq_len(nmc)) |>
    mutate(dat = map(run_id, \(.x) generate_data(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                                                 mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                                                 srs_sd, rcor, err_sd)),
           mobj = map(dat, \(.x) analyze_data(.x)),
           stats = map(mobj, \(.x) extract_stats(.x))) |>

do_once(eff = 0, nsubj = 20, nitem = 10, nmc = 20,
                   mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
                   srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200)
## computing stats over 20 runs for nsubj=20; nitem=10; eff=0
## # A tibble: 1 × 5
##   n_sing n_nonconv n_sig     N power
##    <int>     <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     15        15     3    20  0.15
do_once <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem, nmc,
                   mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                   srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {
  ## generate, analyze, and extract for a single parameter setting
  message("computing stats over ", nmc,
          " runs for nsubj=", nsubj, "; ",
          "nitem=", nitem, "; ",
          "eff=", eff)
  tibble(run_id = seq_len(nmc)) |>
    mutate(dat = map(run_id, \(.x) generate_data(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                                                 mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                                                 srs_sd, rcor, err_sd)),
           mobj = map(dat, \(.x) analyze_data(.x)),
           stats = map(mobj, \(.x) extract_stats(.x))) |>

2.2.6 Main code

Now that we've re-written all of the functions, let's add the following lines to create a fully reproducible script that we can run in batch mode.

set.seed(1451) # for deterministic output

## determine effect sizes, nsubj, nitem, and nmc from the command line
if (length(commandArgs(TRUE)) != 6L) {
  stop("need to specify 'nmc' 'eff_a' 'eff_b' 'steps' 'nsubj' 'nitem'")

nmc <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1] |> as.integer()   # no. Monte Carlo runs
eff_a <- commandArgs(TRUE)[2] |> as.double()  # smallest effect size
eff_b <- commandArgs(TRUE)[3] |> as.double()  # largest effect size
steps <- commandArgs(TRUE)[4] |> as.integer() # number of steps
nsubj <- commandArgs(TRUE)[5] |> as.integer()
nitem <- commandArgs(TRUE)[6] |> as.integer()

params <- tibble(id = seq_len(steps),
                 eff = seq(eff_a, eff_b, length.out = steps))

allsets <- params |>
  mutate(result = map(eff,
                      \(.x) do_once(.x, nsubj = nsubj, nitem = nitem, nmc = nmc,
                                    mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
                                    srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200)))
pow_result <- allsets |>


outfile <- sprintf("sim-results_%d_%0.2f_%0.2f_%d_%d_%d.rds",
                   nmc, eff_a, eff_b, steps, nsubj, nitem)

saveRDS(pow_result, outfile)

message("results saved to '", outfile, "'")

2.2.7 The full script




requireNamespace("MASS") # make sure it's there but don't load it


generate_data <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                          mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                          srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {

  ## 1. generate sample of stimuli
  items <- tibble(item_id = 1:nitem,
                  cond = rep(c(-.5, .5), times = nitem / 2),
                  iri = rnorm(nitem, 0, sd = iri_sd))
  ## 2. generate sample of subjects
  mx <- rbind(c(sri_sd^2,               rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd),
              c(rcor * sri_sd * srs_sd, srs_sd^2)) # look at it

  by_subj_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(nsubj,
                               mu = c(sri = 0, srs = 0),
                               Sigma = mx)

  subjects <- as_tibble(by_subj_rfx) |>
    mutate(subj_id = row_number()) |>
    select(subj_id, everything())
  ## 3. generate trials, adding in error
  trials <- cross_join(subjects |> select(subj_id),
                       items |> select(item_id)) |>
    mutate(err = rnorm(n = nsubj * nitem,
                       mean = 0, sd = err_sd))
  ## 4. join the three tables together, AND
  ## 5. create the response variable
  subjects |>
    inner_join(trials, "subj_id") |>
    inner_join(items, "item_id") |>
    mutate(Y = mu + sri + iri + (eff + srs) * cond + err) |>
    select(subj_id, item_id, cond, Y)

analyze_data <- function(dat) {
  suppressWarnings( # ignore non-convergence
    suppressMessages({ # ignore 'singular fit'
      lmer(Y ~ cond + (cond | subj_id) +
             (1 | item_id), data = dat)

extract_stats <- function(mobj) {
  tibble(sing = isSingular(mobj),
         conv = check_converged(mobj),
         estimate = fixef(mobj)["cond"],
         stderr = sqrt(diag(vcov(mobj)))["cond"],
         tval = estimate / stderr,
         pval = 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(tval))))


check_converged <- function(mobj) {
  ## warning: this is kind of a hack!
  ## see also performance::check_convergence()
  sm <- summary(mobj)

compute_power <- function(x, alpha = .05) {
  ## after completing all the Monte Carlo runs for a set,
  ## calculate statistics
  x |>
    select(run_id, stats) |>
    unnest(stats) |>
    summarize(n_sing = sum(sing),
              n_nonconv = sum(!conv), 
              n_sig = sum(pval < alpha),
              N = n(),
              power = n_sig / N)

do_once <- function(eff, nsubj, nitem, nmc,
                   mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                   srs_sd, rcor, err_sd) {
  ## generate, analyze, and extract for a single parameter setting
  message("computing stats over ", nmc,
          " runs for nsubj=", nsubj, "; ",
          "nitem=", nitem, "; ",
          "eff=", eff)
  tibble(run_id = seq_len(nmc)) |>
    mutate(dat = map(run_id, \(.x) generate_data(eff, nsubj, nitem,
                                                 mu, iri_sd, sri_sd,
                                                 srs_sd, rcor, err_sd)),
           mobj = map(dat, \(.x) analyze_data(.x)),
           stats = map(mobj, \(.x) extract_stats(.x))) |>


set.seed(1451) # for deterministic output

## determine effect sizes, nsubj, nitem, and nmc from the command line
if (length(commandArgs(TRUE)) != 6L) {
  stop("need to specify 'nmc' 'eff_a' 'eff_b' 'steps' 'nsubj' 'nitem'")

nmc <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1] |> as.integer()   # no. Monte Carlo runs
eff_a <- commandArgs(TRUE)[2] |> as.double()  # smallest effect size
eff_b <- commandArgs(TRUE)[3] |> as.double()  # largest effect size
steps <- commandArgs(TRUE)[4] |> as.integer() # number of steps
nsubj <- commandArgs(TRUE)[5] |> as.integer()
nitem <- commandArgs(TRUE)[6] |> as.integer()

params <- tibble(id = seq_len(steps),
                 eff = seq(eff_a, eff_b, length.out = steps))

allsets <- params |>
  mutate(result = map(eff,
                      \(.x) do_once(.x, nsubj = nsubj, nitem = nitem, nmc = nmc,
                                    mu = 800, iri_sd = 80, sri_sd = 100,
                                    srs_sd = 40, rcor = .2, err_sd = 200)))
pow_result <- allsets |>


outfile <- sprintf("sim-results_%d_%0.2f_%0.2f_%d_%d_%d.rds",
                   nmc, eff_a, eff_b, steps, nsubj, nitem)

saveRDS(pow_result, outfile)

message("results saved to '", outfile, "'")

2.3 Running in batch mode

Now let's run our power simulation.

Save the full script into a file named my-power-script.R.

Go to your operating system's command line (or do so in RStudio), and navigate to the directory where you saved it.

At the command line, type

Rscript my-power-script.R

This should produce an error because you haven't specified any command line arguments.

Error: need to specify 'nmc' 'eff_a' 'eff_b' 'steps' 'nsubj' 'nitem'
Execution halted

Let's try again, putting in arguments in that order.

Rscript my-power-script.R 1000 0 160 5 40 20

It worked!

computing stats over 1000 runs for nsubj=40; nitem=20; eff=0
computing stats over 1000 runs for nsubj=40; nitem=20; eff=40
computing stats over 1000 runs for nsubj=40; nitem=20; eff=80
computing stats over 1000 runs for nsubj=40; nitem=20; eff=120
computing stats over 1000 runs for nsubj=40; nitem=20; eff=160
# A tibble: 5 × 7
     id   eff n_sing n_nonconv n_sig     N power
  <int> <dbl>  <int>     <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1     1     0    298       309    64  1000 0.064
2     2    40    257       270   200  1000 0.2
3     3    80    282       293   577  1000 0.577
4     4   120    271       283   844  1000 0.844
5     5   160    279       287   982  1000 0.982
results saved to 'sim-results_1000_0.00_160.00_5_40_20.rds'